Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to School

It feels a bit strange going back to school after working at Citi this summer, but the experience is helping me appreciate all of the free time in college schedules!

In hindsight, the internship was a hugely positive experience.  Unfortunately, I did not get the offer for investment banking after my interview on the last day of the internship, but I did get the offer for the position I held for the summer.  I was able to break the ice for fall interviews and I gained a sense of direction from my experience.

The Citi internship was tailored a bit for Columbia students, which made it even better than it would have been from any other school.  Interns were pampered quite a bit  as it stood, but the extra advantages of coming from Columbia proved fruitful.  We met upper level management and got respect from the CEO of the company, who has gotten a handful of degrees from Columbia.

The Citi internship wasn't what I was striving for last spring when looking for a summer position, but I don't think I would have had as valuable of an experience in many of the other positions I was hoping to get.  Citi provided a breadth of exposure within the bank in both tech and business while also introducing us to very important people in the company.  Plus, they gave us a sweet "Citi" duffle bag.  Who else got duffle bags?

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